I remember that before I had kids, I always wondered why Moms made such a big deal about the busy-ness of the first week of school. I mean, really, it's not like the Moms had to go to school - just the kids. What is the big deal, I thought? Now that I am a Mom of a 1st grader and Pre-K-er, I know that it's both an exciting and stressful week. I am oh-so-happy that it is Friday because I am tired. So, I've decided to take a break from blogging today and direct you to a great post today on It's Not About Nutrition: The Art & Science of Teaching Kids to Eat Right. She talks about how as parents we think that pretzels or fat free Fig Newtons are better for you than potato chips, and guess what? They're not! That's right. Check out these NuVal scores:
Lay’s Potato Chips Classic … 23
Rold Gold Pretzel Rods … 14
Nabisco Fig Newtons Fat Free …13
And how do you think Baked Lay's score? Find out in Dina Rose's post The Potato Chip Challenge: How We Decide What Snacks We Give Our Kids.
And Happy Friday Everyone!
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago
I found this fascinating. My kids (and husband--OK and me too)will be so excited that potato chips are better for you than pretzels and Fat Free Fig Newtons. I always had a preconceived notion that potato chips were the most unhealthy snacks. It's great that NuVal can displace some of these incorrect assuptions and give us the tools to help feed out kids more nutritiously. Not that potato chips should be the food of choice always, but it's nice to know if you are craving something crunchy and salty, potato chips are a good treat once in a while. I can stop forcing the pretzel rods upon my children. I love your blog and read it faithfully. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteThey probably have less or no hydrogenated oils depending on brand, so from that perspective (which I feel is far more important than the simplified fiber + protein content view)I chose the fig cookie
ReplyDeleteI always knew chips were good for you! Casey will be thrilled. Curious about granola bars, kashi vs fiber one